Display of silver police badges in their black, pocket-size holders lined up on display. Badge image is a silver star on an oval shaped background, with a crown resting on the top point of the star. Text on the badge reads Victoria Police, Uphold the Right.


Wellbeing for current Victoria Police employees, veterans, and their families.

Mental health, resilience and wellbeing in the Police

Targeted resources and information about wellbeing and mental health, warning signs and symptoms, help-seeking tools and support services available.

Two uniformed police officers engaging a local primary school children in friendly conversation in the local community. Wearing standard issue navy blue and white police uniform, Victoria Police is written across the top front of the baseball style peeked cap one of the officers is wearing. The Victoria police silver star logo with Victoria Police written underneath is on the front left chest pocket of the other police officer.

Dedicated to helping those who help us

Bluespace is a mental health and wellbeing resource created by the police community for the police community.

Feature topics


Uniformed police officer looking off to the side standing in front of colourful mural of painted Indigenous Aboriginal artwork. Police officer is middle-aged man with olive skin wearing standard issued navy blue police uniform. Blue short-sleeved, collared shirt with embroidered Victoria Police badge on right shoulder, and baseball-style peeked cap with Victoria Police written across top front. Police officer also wears a badge pinned on right side of their chest that reads Multicultural Liaison Officer.

Support for you and your loved ones

Providing current and veteran Victoria Police employees and their families wellbeing support - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.