Current and veteran Victoria Police employees may encounter a range of traumatic events during and after service that can impact mental health and wellbeing.
Explore the following categories for information, resources, and support.

Information about the effects of alcohol, when it can become a problem, and how to take care of yourself or others.

Information about the benefits of exercise and how to make time to physically and mentally take care of yourself.

Exploring the benefits of healthy eating habits, including what to eat and how to eat well during shift work.

All about the benefits of sleep, causes of sleep issues, resources and strategies for getting better and healthier sleep habits.

Information about stress and the body’s way of reacting to an environmental, emotional or mental challenge

Exploring and understanding the practice and benefits of mindfulness; helping support more positive and healthy reactions to life situations.
Critical incidents
Information and resources about critical incidents for emergency services workers, typical responses, and how to take care of yourself or and others.
Grief and loss
Understanding the different ways that we grieve after loss, and how best to look after yourself when grieving.